Linux Shell Scripting Mini Project(Server Resource Utilization Status)

Linux Shell Scripting Mini Project(Server Resource Utilization Status)

Hello Everyone,

Today we will create the small shell script based on the below criteria,

✦ It will welcome the user with his/her username.

✦ It will show the date and time.

✦ It will show the uptime of the server and the last logins.

✦ It will show disk space utilization and RAM utilization.

✦ It will show the top 2 processes utilizing the high CPU.

Let's discuss the commands used in the script one by one.

1 -- To display the username I have used "whoami" command.

2 -- To display the date and time I have used "date" command.

3 -- To display the server uptime "uptime" command has been used.

4 -- To display the last login "last -a" command is used.

5 -- Below is the output for "df -H" command.

I have used the below command to get the available/total size.

6 -- I have used "free" as below to get the RAM utilization in available/total format.

7 -- "top | head -5" command has been used to get the top 2 high CPU utilizing processes.

Final Script:
